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The truth is, what I do matters.

What I do today matters.

I do them over and over and over until the compound effect kicks in.”

I do whatever it takes to get the job done

My journey starts with a single step—not with thinking about taking a step.”

What I focus on, grows.

I replace the unwanted habit with another habit that I do want.

I do it one step at a time. Baby steps. The slight edge.”

Sometimes I need to slow down to go fast.”

I take full responsibility for who I am, where I am, and everything that happens to me.

Some day doesn’t exist, never has, and never will. There is no “some day.” There’s only today. When tomorrow comes, it will be another today; so will the next day. They all will. There is never anything but today.”

My ship’s not coming—it’s already here. Docked and waiting. I already have the money. I already have the time. I already have the skill, the confidence. I already have everything I need to achieve everything I want.”

Because what I think, multiplied by action plus time, will create what I get.”

I journal for two minutes a day about one positive experience I’ve had over the past twenty-four hours. I write down every detail I can remember; this causes my brain to literally reexperience the experience, which doubles its positive impact.

I meditate daily. Nothing fancy; just stop all activity, relax, and watch my breath go in and out for two minutes.

This trains my brain to focus where I want it to, and not get distracted by negativity in my environment.

“Every morning I write down three new things I am grateful for.

I wait and watch and work: I don’t give up.”

I plant. I cultivate. I harvest.”

“Everything is always in motion. Every day, every moment, My life path is either curving upward, or curving downward."

I live on the success curve. I live in responsibility. Future pulls me up. People in the failure curve live in blame. They live in the past.

I Show up.
I Show up consistently.
I Show up consistently with a positive outlook.
I am prepared for and committed to the long haul.

Inspired by a book by the same name by Jeff Olson

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