The Big Book Learning System (BBLS)

Big Book always comes to you in small chunks in 7 different Avatars.

This is the Big Book on

Being Kind to Yourself

  • This book will teach you:- 
  • Will embrace your imperfections and practice self-acceptance.
  • Will challenge and overcome negative self-talk.
  • Will set and maintain healthy boundaries in your life.
  • Will prioritize self-care as an essential part of your routine.
  • Will cultivate mindfulness and self-awareness.
  • Will develop resilience and grow through life’s challenges.
  • Will silence your inner critic and replace it with self-compassion.
  • Will say “no” when necessary and prioritize your well-being.
  • Will discover and nurture your unique strengths and talents.
  • Will forgive yourself for past mistakes and let go of guilt.

This is the Big Book on

Soulful Parenting

This book will teach you:- 

  • Remember each time “Love is the foundation; everything else is built upon it.”
  • Listen twice as much as you speak, and your child will feel heard.
  • Set clear boundaries and stick to them.”because Consistency breeds security.
  • Teach them to be kind, for kindness is a universal language.
  • Model the behavior you want to see in your children.
  • Encourage curiosity, for it sparks a lifelong love of learning.
  • Praise effort, not just achievement, to foster a growth mindset.
  • Be present when you’re with them.” because quality time is more valuable than quantity.
  • Let them fail sometimes; resilience is born from setbacks.
  • Remember, you’re raising a person, not a project; embrace their individuality.

This is the Big Book on

turbocharging your productivity with AI.

This book will teach you:- 

  • Will use AI to automate repetitive tasks. This will free up your time so you can focus on more important things.

  • Will use AI to help you with research. AI can quickly and efficiently find information from the vast amount of data available online.
  • Will use AI to help you with your creative work. AI can generate ideas, write text, and even create art.
  • Will use AI to help you with your decision-making. AI can analyze data and provide insights that can help you make better decisions.
  • Will use AI to help you with your communication. AI can help you translate languages, write emails, and even create presentations.
  • Will use AI to help you with your learning. AI can help you learn new things by providing personalized instruction and feedback.
  • Will use AI to help me with my health. AI can help you track your fitness, diagnose diseases, and even provide medical advice.
  • Will use AI to help you with your finances. AI can help you manage your budget, invest your money, and even find the best deals.
  • Will use AI to help you with your personal life. AI can help you find a date, plan a vacation, and even organize your home.
  • Will use AI to help me make the world a better place. AI can be used to solve some of the world’s biggest problems, such as climate change and poverty.


This is the Big Book on

Writing Your Autobiography

  • This book will teach you:- 
  • Always remember Your life is a unique narrative waiting to be told.
  • Start with your earliest memories; they often hold the roots of your story.
  • Will not be afraid to explore your vulnerabilities; they add depth to your tale.
  • Share your triumphs and tribulations, for both define your journey.
  • Bring the people who shaped your life to life on the pages.
  • Use vivid sensory details to transport readers into your world.
  • Honesty is your greatest ally in storytelling.
  • Reflect on the lessons you’ve learned and how they’ve shaped you.
  • Milestones mark the chapters of your life; highlight them.
  • Include the humour, for laughter is a universal connector.
  • Share your hopes and dreams for the future.
  • Remember, your autobiography is a gift to future generations.

This is the Big Book on

Building Your Startup

This book will teach you:- 

Innovation is your compass; solve real problems with creative solutions.

Your team is your foundation; surround yourself with diverse talents.

Embrace failure as a stepping stone to success; iterate, adapt, and persevere.

Know your market inside out; your customers’ needs are your North Star.

Seek funding wisely; align your investors with your vision and values.

Build a resilient brand; your reputation is your most valuable asset.

Strive for scalability; plan for growth from day one.

Data is your ally; use analytics to make informed decisions.

Cultivate a culture of innovation and continuous learning.

Stay agile; the only constant in entrepreneurship is change.

  • We promote the development of sustainable, resilient, and inclusive communities and ecosystems that are equipped to tackle today’s most pressing challenges.

This is the Big Book on

building a personal and business Ecosystem

This book will teach you:- 

Will identify the key players. Who are the people and organizations that you need to connect with to achieve your goals?

Will create a network of relationships. Build relationships with people who can help you achieve your goals.

Will collaborate and share resources. Work together with others to achieve common goals.

Will innovate and adapt. The world is constantly changing, so be prepared to innovate and adapt your ecosystem as needed.

Will be open to feedback. Be willing to listen to feedback from others and use it to improve your ecosystem.

Will be patient and persistent. Building a personal and business ecosystem takes time and effort. Don’t get discouraged if it takes you a while to see results.

Will celebrate your successes. Along the way, you will achieve many milestones. Take the time to celebrate your successes and keep moving forward.

Will never give up. If you have a clear vision and you are willing to work hard, you can achieve anything.


This is the Big Book on

Applied Spirituality

This book will teach you:- 

Will connect you with your inner wisdom. Applied spirituality is about using your inner wisdom to guide your life.

Will cultivate compassion and love. Applied spirituality is about cultivating compassion and love for yourself and others.

Will practice mindfulness and meditation. Applied spirituality is about practising mindfulness and meditation to cultivate awareness and presence.

Will serve others. Applied spirituality is about serving others and making a difference in the world.

Will be open to new experiences. Applied spirituality is about being open to new experiences and learning from them.

Will let go of attachment. Applied spirituality is about letting go of attachment to things, people, and ideas.

Will forgive yourself and others. Applied spirituality is about forgiving yourself and others for mistakes and hurts.

Will live in the present moment. Applied spirituality is about living in the present moment and being grateful for what you have.

Will be kind to yourself and others. Applied spirituality is about being kind to yourself and others, even when it’s difficult.

Will be patient and persistent. Applied spirituality is about being patient and persistent in your journey towards self-growth and enlightenment.


So let us get Going!

Be Kind To Yourself

Being kind to yourself promotes self-compassion and self-care, leading to improved mental and emotional well-being, increased self-esteem, and the ability to handle challenges with greater resilience.

Soulful Parenting

Suppose You Become Everything You Wanted To Be Yet Lost The Affection Of Your Child, Your Child Said “Dad, Mom You Had No Time For Me” Do You Dread That Moment?.

TurboCharge your AI

AI applications can help you save time and be more productive by automating tasks.

Writing your Book

Share your hopes and dreams for the future. Remember, your autobiography is a gift to future generations.

Buildng your startup

Having Your Own Startup helps in Contributing To Job Creation, Innovation, And Societal Progress. It Allows You To Shape Your Own Destiny And Make A Lasting Impact In The Industry Or Market You Choose To Operate In.

Building Your Ecosystem

Building Your Own Business Ecosystem Provides The Opportunity To Pursue Your Passion, Exercise Creative Control, And Potentially Achieve Financial Independence.

Applied Spirtuality

Applied spirituality is about being patient and persistent in your journey towards self-growth and enlightenment.

The Movements We Source and Support

Climate Change
Be Your Authentic Sexual Self
Safety First the Uzma Dialogue
A Temple In Your Heart
A Million Children’s Collective
The Playful Krishna
Outsmarting Poverty
The Survivor Unlimited

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Do you want to Create your own Ecosystem?

Here is AV’s Mini Course

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